Monday, April 4, 2011

All for the best... maybe

Every time I'm happy with my life it gets over hauled. I realize this is God making me stronger and putting challenges in my path so that I can grow and blah, blah, blah. However, it also really gets in the way of my own plans. For example the one person, it seems, that totally gets me and how I work is a WOMAN! Not only that but she also moved away! This is the cruelest form of growing I've experienced. But life goes on and I make new friends and even find a guy that does everything right. Yet once again I find that my plan is not the plan that God sees fit to follow. Turns out that the reason the Wonder guy can do everything right is because he's had so much experience. While that may not be such an issue if I were the exception to the rule and not the rule itself. I am the rule though. As such I am just another girl. Oh well, right? I move on and try to be optimistic. Not so easy when your feeling so discouraged you can taste the hopelessness and feel it seeping into your soul darkening even the brightest memories. I'm not saying I want a boyfriend or a relationship because I'm obviously NOT ready for one, all I want is to know that there will be an end to this tunnel. I need to feel like my "friends" are really friends not just fillers. This isn't as light as I normally write. I make no apologies. I will keep trudging along expecting that the plans I make will just get thrashed so good luck to everyone else out there in this vacuous space of life.

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